IMG_9019bwSmAnother shot from the Cooperstown cemetery.  You can see some of the shadows cast by the light on the nearby building.  The tree in the foreground is the perfect tree to add that spooky look now that the leaves are gone.  With the lighting here, a good time to come back to this location and shoot will be on a foggy or rainy evening, or possibly even when there is snow in the air.  The moisture in the air will diffuse and soften the light coming from the left.  And it will also add to the eerie feel of the location.

This photo was taken with a Canon 50D using a Canon f2.8 40mm pancake lens, and a Vanguard Alta series tripod.  ISO was set to 1600, aperture was f8, and a 20 second shutter speed was used.  Post processing was done in Photoshop Elements where I did a levels adjustment.  It was converted to black and white using Topaz B&W Effects.